


Refinery89 stands out as a premier AdTech partner dedicated to enhancing ad monetization solutions for websites and apps. As a trusted Google Certified Publishing Partner, they focus on delivering groundbreaking solutions that boost revenue for publishers.

Refinery89 Description

Refinery89 stands out as a premier AdTech partner dedicated to enhancing ad monetization solutions for websites and apps. As a trusted Google Certified Publishing Partner, they focus on delivering groundbreaking solutions that boost revenue for publishers.Their global team, comprising members from over 20 nationalities and fluent in more than 15 languages, prioritizes personal attention and enjoyable partnerships.
Refinery89 offers in-app monetization with its Monetize App SDK, offering simplicity and flexibility comparable to web monetization methods. They excel in cutting-edge technologies like single tag programmatic solution, online advertising, programmatic strategies, and full stack header bidding optimizations, ensuring maximum inventory yield and impactful ad placements. With expertise spanning GAM integrations to comprehensive layout and content optimization, Refinery89 is dedicated to driving revenue growth through innovative AdTech solutions.

Refinery89 Products

  • Ad Refresh and Anti AdBlock: They generate new ad impressions every 25-30 seconds, ensuring continuous revenue flow.They effectively provide ad blocker impacts to prevent revenue loss on publisher sites.
  • GeoTag: They specialize in GeoTagging to monetize traffic from various regions without altering partnerships in the primary country, enhancing flexibility in ad monetization strategies.
  • All-In-One Ad Monetization: They streamline ad monetization with a single SDK, integrating with over 25 premium demand sources, including Google Ad Manager, to maximize publisher revenue through comprehensive header bidding solutions.
  • Performance Dashboard: They offer a Performance Dashboard that delivers insights and identifies opportunities for revenue optimization.
  • Fully GDPR Compliant CMP: They offer a GDPR-compliant CMP, utilizing the premium for free. The Monetize App SDK aims to simplify app monetization, addressing common challenges faced by app developers and publishers effectively.

Refinery89 Software Images

Refinery89 Features and Capabilities

  • Fast And Easy setup: They offer a fast and easy setup, allowing publishers to implement a single line of code in just 15 minutes and begin monetizing on the same day.
  • Access of Premium Demands: They provide access to over 25 demand sources, ensuring the best CPMs and immediate connections to premium advertisers and agencies. Their dynamic SSP allocation optimizes returns by country, and their App Header Bidding solution integrates with Ad Manager and Prebid Server Premium.
  • Full support from Tech Team and native speakers: They offer full personal support with a dedicated account manager fluent in your language and provide 24/7 technical assistance. Their tech team ensures smooth implementation and onboarding, with documentation provided and tickets resolved within 48 hours.
  • Fully Compatible: Their platform is fully compatible with Flutter and Android Native, and they are actively working to support iOS, React, and Unity in the near future.

Refinery89 Payment Info

Refinery89 processes payments on a 45-day cycle and offers payment methods including PayPal and bank transfer for convenient transactions.

Refinery89 Geos Served

Serves globally.

Refinery89 Publisher Eligibility

Refinery89‘s publisher eligibility criteria requires publishers to have a minimum of 100,000 monthly visitors or 300,000 monthly pageviews. This threshold ensures sufficient data for the optimization process to begin effectively and provides a strong foundation for scaling website revenue, benefiting both parties.

Refinery89 Revenue Share

Refinery89's revenue share can range between 70-85%, depending on traffic volumes and services provided. Typically, ad monetization services retain 15-20% of the total publisher revenue. Despite this, publishers often see at least a 30% increase in revenue, and if this target isn't met, negotiations may be considered.

Refinery89 Ad Formats

Refinery89 offers a diverse range of ad formats for efficient monetization. These include:

  • Display Ads: Standard banner ads in various sizes that fit seamlessly into web pages, providing a balance between visibility and user experience.
  • Video Ads: High-impact ads that play within video content or as standalone units, available in formats such as pre-roll, mid-roll, and outstream, engaging users with dynamic content.
  • Native Ads: Ads that blend seamlessly with the look and feel of the content, enhancing user experience while maintaining high engagement and click-through rates.
  • Sticky header ads: Sticky header ads remain visible at the top of the webpage as users scroll, ensuring continuous ad exposure and engagement.
  • Interstitial Ads: Full-screen ads occupying the entire app interface, providing high-impact exposure but potentially interrupting user engagement.
  • Instream ads: Instream ads are video advertisements that play within a video player, typically before, during, or after video content
  • Outstream ads: outstream ads are video ads that appear outside of a video player, often embedded within articles or other non-video content.
  • Rewarded Video Ads: Offering users incentives such as app rewards, these ads encourage engagement by providing benefits in exchange for interacting with the advertisement.