


Drop personalized ads, optimized for each subscriber, into existing channels to drive new revenue. Jeeng monetization works across email, push notifications, and even your website to increase your revenue and remind you of the joys of content creation. Jeeng utilizes email and push notifications to generate revenue from areas of your content that are under-monetized. 

Jeeng Description

Jeeng is an ad network solution that assists digital publishers in monetizing their content and increasing end-user engagement through automated and personalized cross-channel messaging.

To further illustrate, consider any website where you might read material online, such as news, sports, cultural, or hobby website. Usually, you interact with that brand by visiting their website or clicking on the content they distribute via a messaging service like email. Jeeng assists those publishers in personalizing the content you receive, which strengthens your relationship with the publisher and encourages you to return.

Instead of sending subscribers generic content that doesn't meet their interests, Jeeng learns about their interests, organizes the publisher's content, and automatically sends the appropriate content to the appropriate subscriber. Its business strategy is distinctive in that it also offers a means of making money from that material. In other words, because they allow the publisher to profit from advertising, they don't even have to compensate them for the service.

Jeeng Products

Jeeng offers the following services to help publishers monetize their content:

  • AdServe- This helps you fill vacant space with ads that are relevant to your audience.
  • AdFill- Fill the gaps in your revenue stream with this. 
  • Email- This feature helps you monetize your email newsletters. 
  • Web- Monetize your website with this feature from Jeeng. 
  • Push- Utilize your push notifications to get an additional revenue stream and keep audiences engaged for longer. 
  • Newsreaders- Get up to 100% newsreader monetization with Jeeng. 

Jeeng Features and Capabilities

  • Jeeng uses automated and customized messaging to establish ongoing one-to-one relationships between publishers and readers. The effective AI of Jeeng automatically sends the ideal message at the ideal moment, increasing clicks and income.
  • By utilizing their own data to engage subscribers and increase traffic, Jeeng monetization enables publishers to establish new revenue sources.
  • Jeeng quickly gets to work learning about your customers' interests, pastimes, and fascinations after placing just one line of code on your website. Jeeng then provides them with pertinent information that continually captures their attention.
  • With each click, the knowledge of the readers' interests is improved, leading to better forecasts and higher levels of engagement.

Jeeng Key Facts

  • Jeeng cares about what its employees care about. Thus, every month they donate to a charity chosen by an employee. 

Jeeng Pricing

You will have to contact Jeeng to get the possibly personalized pricing for your personalized ads!

Jeeng Ad Formats

Jeeng offers the following ad formats:

  • Email Ads: These ads are sent on emails where the recipient has given permission to receive promotional messages.
  • Push Notification Ads: These ads are delivered to the user's device via a website/ app via notifications.
  • Web Ads: These are ads where the Internet is used to promote products and services to audiences.

Jeeng Alternatives

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