


Offering superior support and powerful hosting, HostMonster is one of the best professional hosting solutions there is. HostMonster is very versatile in the sense that it provides you a complete web hosting solution irrespective of whether you are a business owner or an individual looking for complete functionality on a small budget.

HostMonster Description

Offering superior support and powerful hosting, HostMonster is one of the best professional hosting solutions there is. HostMonster is very versatile in the sense that it provides you a complete web hosting solution irrespective of whether you are a business owner or an individual looking for complete functionality on a small budget. 

A very reliable solution, HostMonster has redundant systems that maximizes uptime for your website. Providing hosting solutions to thousands of businesses and websites since 1996, HostMonster is enriched with more than 25 years of experience. Their internet hosting packages offer high-powered services at a fraction of the cost.

HostMonster Products

  • VPS hosting that is built on powerful cloud technology, comes with enhanced cPanel Control Panel and guaranteed server resources. 
  • Dedicated Hosting is designed with cloud technology to offer managed hosting with instant provisioning

HostMonster Features and Capabilities

  • Best quality customer support and service
  • Quality equipment that guarantees maximum uptime
  • Functional tools for easy administration
  • Secure backups with honest business practices
  • Offers full root access to CentOS with enhanced control panel to give you full control
  • Offer multi-account management to manage all account with one login
  • Offers instant provisioning to get your VPS solutions up and running in seconds

HostMonster Pricing

  • The packages for their Dedicated Hosting starts at USD 119.99 per month
  • The plans for VPS Hosting starts at USD 39.99 per month. 

HostMonster FAQs